Meet the 2025 IFH Exec Board!

We are happy to announce the 2025 Illini Fighting Hunger Executive Board!

President: Lena Groth
Vice President of Operations: Annabelle Zakosek
Vice President of Development: Ethan Yoon
Operations Manager: Nandi Sulamoyo
Pantry Manager: Joy Zhao
Treasurer-Secretary: Nora Kogan
Outreach Manager: Sofia Aguilar

We are excited to continue our mission to combat food insecurity in our local community and beyond. Cheers to another successful year!

Thanks for a great year, IFH!

Our final statistics for the 2023-2024 school year are in:

  • 24,000 meals packed
  • 2,125 lbs of rice packed
  • 285.5 hours spent volunteering

This success could not have been possible without our dedicated team of volunteers and the Wesley Food Pantry’s support! We hope to see lots of familiar faces in the 2024-2025 school year.

Follow us on Instagram @illinifightinghunger to stay updated on important details (which will be released closer to the start of the school year).

IFH wins FreeRice College March Madness 2024

Illini Fighting Hunger has won the 2024 college World Food Program (WFP) FreeRice March Madness tournament!

IFH competed against teams from around the world. These included Ohio State, University of Missouri, UFWH Netherlands, Sinclair College, University of Cincinnati, Mount St. Joseph, and Auburn University.

Members answered trivia questions to earn rice for the WFP. Each correct answer raises the cash equivalent of 10 grains. Generated donations are matched by private sponsors to support the WFP’s mission to fight global hunger.

We would like to thank our dedicated members who helped us bring home the champion title!

Thank you to our IFH Exec Board for a great semester! (Fall 2021)

We had such a great semester with several intra-RSO food packing events, two social events, FreeRice competitions, and more!

IFH Exec Board

  • President: Roslyn Co
  • VP of Operations: Ryan Leung
  • VP of Development: Prthivi Nese
  • Treasurer: Suzana Jukic
  • Pantry Manager: Julia Heller
  • Operations Manager: Araf Billah
  • Fundraising Manager: Jay Hatkar

Thanks for putting in your time and effort into making IFH the way it is today!

You made this semester the success it was, and we truly couldn’t have done it without you!

Over 28,000 lbs. of rice & oats packaged by Urbana-Champaign Community & Campus

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who volunteered for the 2019 Community & Campus Day of Service!!! We came together to package over 151,000 meals for the Eastern Illinois Foodbank and Midwest Mission Distribution Center. This would not have been possible without everyone’s time and effort, and the support of our many sponsors and donors who provided ingredients, funding, and other resources for the event. Thank you for your participation — as a result of your efforts, families in need in our local community will benefit.

Over the past 6 years, we have facilitated over 47,000 service hours from more than 27,000 volunteers. Thank you to all those in our community who came out to lend their support to this event — we couldn’t have done it without you!

Register for the 2019 Day of Service!

Illini Fighting Hunger is once again hosting the Community & Campus Day of Service, where we bring together members of the local community and University of Illinois faculty, staff, and students to package food for local foodbanks and food pantries to be distributed to families in need throughout east central Illinois.

Join Illini Fighting Hunger at Memorial Stadium on Saturday, April 6th to package 28,000 lbs. of nutritious staple foods to donate to the Eastern Illinois Foodbank! Register for a 90-minute packaging shift individually or as a group at the Community & Campus Day of Service website.

We currently have a particular need for all-day volunteers called Table Captains. Learn more about what it means to be a table captain and apply at our 2019 Day of Service Table Captains page!

Hope to see you there!

New partner: Midwest Mission Distribution Center

Meal Packaging event for Comcast Cares Day at Midwest Mission Distribution Center

Volunteers pack meals at Midwest Mission Distribution Center as part of Comcast Cares Day

We are pleased to announce a new partnership with Midwest Mission Distribution Center (MMDC), a group operating near Springfield, IL to provide opportunities for individuals and groups of all walks of life, denominational backgrounds, abilities, and ages to help provide disaster relief, education, and medical supplies to those in need both locally, nationally, and internationally.

Members of MMDC attended the 2018 Community & Campus Day of Service and helped package meals. They liked the event and the product, so Illini Fighting Hunger has given Midwest Mission a grant for all the equipment needed to be a satellite location. They have already hosted an event at their location as part of their Comcast Cares Day at Midwest Mission.

You can read more about the partnership and Midwest Mission Distribution Center in MMDC’s May 2018 newsletter. We are excited to bring meals to more people in need through this new partnership!

Three Million Meals!

On Sunday, April 15th we celebrated a very important milestone that was our three millionth meal packed. To commemorate this exciting milestone we hosted a celebration at Wesley United Methodist Church where we honored all the hard work done by our team and the lives we’ve undoubtedly impacted.

Cupcakes and cake to celebrate Bill Million's 1 millionth meal facilitated and IFH's 3 millionth meal facilitated

Congratulations, Bill Million, on 1,000,000 meals facilitated! That’s 1/3 of Illini Fighting Hunger’s 3,000,000 meals facilitated!


This organization started in 2012 and it’s hard to believe how far we’ve come. Over the past 6 years, we have facilitated over 41,000 service hours from more than 24,000 volunteers. If you or someone you know is looking to get involved please let us know and join the fight against food insecurity. To three million more!